- A new requirement has been added to Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations. This requirement, ‘Requirement P', has been limited to fixed electrical installations in dwellings, with minor works not needing to be notified.
- A new Approved Document P has been published, giving guidance on ways of complying that are based on the fundamental principles set out in Chapter 13 of BS 7671: 200.
These regulations came into effect from January 1st 2005.
The NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting) website contains some useful information on the new regulations, how they apply to domestic installations and details of the exemptions.Have a look at Householders - electrical safety and further details can be had by clicking on the link for Part P at the bottom of the opening page.
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s website at www.odpm.gov.uk/ also contains information.
Use the search engines on both of these sites for more detailed information as well as answers to FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) on the subject.A free leaflet entitled “New rules for electrical safety in the home” will be available from local authorities and competent person scheme operators in the New Year.
Frank Cooper MIOSH RSP